Arnaldur Indriðason


Arnaldur Indriðason was born in Reykjavík in 1961. Graduated in history, he is a journalist and film critic. He is the author of crime novels crowned with many prestigious awards, published in thirty seven countries.

Autobiography for Quais du Polar

« I’m an author of detective novels from Iceland. My detective, Erlendur, is a solitary middle-aged, very melancholy, father of a lamentable family, but a decent detective. He likes to drink Chartreuse made by French monks, and I really don’t know why except that Chartreuse is mentioned in one of his Icelandic novels, in a somewhat amusing way. »

Crime favourites

bookTænk på et tal, by Anders Bodelsen.

movieDouble Indemnity, directed by Billy Wilder.

authorSjöwall and Wahlöö.
