Chantal Pelletier


A traveler in writing as in life, Chantal Pelletier happily navigates from short literary  to theater (she was one of the Three Jeanne), from novels (to Joëlle Losfeld editions) to thrillers, five of which were published in the Série Noire (Eros et Thalasso, 1998; Le Chant du bouc, 2000; Troubles fêtes, 2001; More is less, 2002; Montmartre mont des martyrs 2008.) She lives today in Avignon.


Autobiography for Quais du Polar

Unable to be a rock singer, Chantal Pelletier, obsessed with food and movies, writes dark stories that makes you laugh. Even if that means  shooting the wine shoper in the heart by wishing him a good appetite for his last feast.


Favorite “noir”

livre: A bout de souffle, Jean-Luc Godard

film : La belle de Fontenay, Jean-Bernard Pouy

auteur : Richard Brautigan

auteur : La nuit je mens, Alain Bashung