Autobiography for Quais du Polar
I realised I wanted to be a writer when I was around eight years old, and my first attempt in a school jotter involved dinosaurs and a secret island. It was not Jurassic Park. When I reached my teens, I discovered guitars and girls, and decided that I wanted to be a rock star instead, and when I was too old for that, I’d become a writer instead. It took about fifteen years to realise that wasn’t going to work out the way I’d planned. By the time I hit my mid-thirties, I realised if I ever wanted to be a writer, now was the time to take it seriously. So I started writing, and after two failed novels, The Ghosts of Belfast, was the result.
Crimes favorites
Film : Heat, Michael Mann.
Book : American Tabloïd, James Ellroy.
Writer : James Ellroy.