Thierry Crouzet


Former journalist, author of J’ai débranché published by Fayard (2012), the story of a digital burnout, Thierry Crouzet was one of the first internauts in France. He published about thirty popularisation guides -over 300 000 copies sold. Since the release of Peuple des connecteurs (2006), he has been analysing on his blog the political and literary influences of new technologies. In La quatrième théorie he dramatises his ideas through Twitter.


Autobiography for Quais du Polar

‘He writes about cyborgs and it is not clear whether he is still humane. He never takes his cap off because it hides a F-010 phone plug.’


Crime favourites

Film: The Passenger, directed by Antonioni

Book: Man on the run, by Charles Williams

Author: Jean-Patrick Manchette

