Born in Cannes in 1956, Brigitte Aubert nurtured her liking for crime stories in the darkness of her family’s cinema. Among her numerous novels published by Le Seuil and translated in more than a score of countries, let’s mention The Four Sons of Dr March, Death from the Woods (which won the Grand Prix de Littérature Policière in 1996), Transfixions (adapted for the screen under the title Transfixed), Funérarium… She is the queen of black comedy. Her latest novel, La Ville des serpents d’eau, was published in September 2012.
Autobiography for Quais du Polar
“Qui suis-je, ou cours-je, et ma tête en courant ou la fourre-je ? Dans la chambre froide du polar, remplie de crimes brûlants qui vous glacent les sangs et fouettent l’imagination. La curiosité est mon plus aimable défaut.”
Crime favourites
Film: North by Northwest, directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Book: Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, by Carolyn Keene
Author: Agatha Christie